- Learning and Educational Technologies (Affiliated) -Learning and Educational Technologies (Affiliated)

Striving for new forms of information education

Information education provides an important nexus between information and society. In the past it was known as “information literacy” and focused mainly on developing students’ skills in applying information technology. There is an increasing need for the application of IT to many academic fields and social issues, and it is very important to educate people about the basic concepts of information usage and to foster their intelligent information-use skills so that they can apply information technology. This is what we call “information fluency education.” In the Information Fluency Education Division, we use the educational computer systems of the Kyoto University Institute for Information Management and Communication to teach and research in the fields of information education (to train people to use IT in a range of areas), artificial intelligence to support education and learning, the application of information security technology, the systematization of education content, and education methods and assessment techniques.

Laboratory name

Ogata Laboratory(URL


let (AT) media.kyoto-u.ac.jp


・Professor: Hiroaki OGATA
・Lecturer: Brendan John FLANAGAN
・Lecturer: Rwitajit MAJUMDAR
・Assistant Professor: Izumi HORIKOSHI

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